SO on to better things. The big news that is still coming, i had blogged about a while ago, my friend Robin and her fiance' Travis are expecting a little girl. They found out in the middle of march that she is having a baby girl. She is due July 12, 2009. She is to be named Wanetta Marie after Robins aunt. It is an Irish name. All has gone relatively well with the pregnancy thus far besides the normal swollen feet and sore back. Robin has had some issues with her hips spreading and making her sore. She has done well until the other day, she had to be admitted to the hospital for observation. She had begun having contractions and her blood pressure was pretty high. She went in to Stormont-Vail Hospital and they told her they thought she was having contractions, which were a minute long and 3 minutes apart, because she was dehydrated. They decided to admit her, though they didnt say it, because they were concerned about pre-eclampsia. She was there overnight and part of the next day while they made her drink until she could pee constatnly and they sampled her urine every time. They monitered her contractions until they stopped and waited for her blood pressure to go down. When all came back ok after her 24 hours, they let her go home. She only has a little while left and is getting anxious already. I am so proud of her. Her and Travis will make wonderful parents and I cant wait to see that beautiful little girl! Best of luck to both of you. I love all of you!
Another topic.... Doggies!!! I am now back with all 3, Bitty, Reese and Buddie... And boy did i miss them. Here is some updated pictures of the crew:
Well thats it with the dogs for now. Other than that I cant say much other than we do have a small garden planted. We will have cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots and watermellons this fall sometime if all goes well. Oh and i do have a twitter now, it is Come check it out!
I love you all and happy gardening to those who know what im talking about
I love you all and happy gardening to those who know what im talking about